
Tidying up 1099 Type & Box Number Information

Tidying Up 1099 Type and Box # Information in Vista for Tax Year 2023

Pen with 1099 miscellaneous form
Susan Hanly - Associate Consultant

By Susan Hanly - Associate Consultant

2 min read

1099 Type & Box# can be corrected in Vista prior to Year End 1099 processing for Tax Year 2023

Have you successfully filed your 1099s for Tax Year 2022 but had to make some corrections to a Vendor Record in 2023 after making payments to that Vendor for Tax Year 2023?  Maybe you found some Vendors with an incorrect 1099 Type and/or Box# during your reconciliation process of your 2022 1099s.  If there were payments made to a Vendor for the current tax year prior to making that change, then that payment record will have the incorrect 1099 Type and/or Box#. 

These payments can be corrected in Vista through the
AP 1099 Processing Program in the Accounts Payable Module.   The steps for correcting this informaiton are as follows: 

Accounts Payable>AP 1099 Processing>Tasks

Viewpoint AP Module 1099 Processing ScreenDrop down on Tasks and choose Edit Transactions.Viewpoint AP Module 1099 Edit Transaction Screen1. Year Ending - Enter the Year Ending month.
2. Vendor - Enter the vendor number.
3. Select by Paid Mth - Check this box.
4. Paid Month - Enter in the month for the payment being       corrected.

Click on the Refresh button.
Viewpoint AP Module Edit Transaction Screen​​​​In the example above, the 1099 vendor was paid $1,000 in January 2023 prior to the correction being made to this vendor.  This vendor was originally  setup as a MISC Type Box 7.  After reconciling 2022 1099 information, it was discovered that this vendor should be NEC Type Box 1.  This can be corrected as seen on the screen below.
Viewpoint AP Module 1099 Edit Transaction ScreenAfter correcting the Type and Box#, click on the Refresh button and close out of the screen.  

Happy Tip Tuesday from the ConstrucTech Team!  As always, please contact our Team regarding any of your Trimble Viewpoint Vista software concerns or questions.
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