Navigate quickly to different URL's utilizing Application Settings in Trimble Construction One - TEAM.
Chain Link
Chase Fortner - Associate Consultant
By Chase Fortner - Associate Consultant
1 min read
Trimble Construction One - Quick Link
ConstrucTech’s Kylie Willoughby posted an article back in February on utilizing Viewpoint Vista - Quick Links. I found this blog extremely helpful and started relying heavily on quick links in Vista to navigate to different websites quickly.
Trimble Construction One - Team gives you the same ability to configure URL links to navigate to your desired websites.
Check out how!
As an Enterprise Admin, navigate to your Username in the top right corner. Drop down and select Admin Center Once in the Admin Center, select MODULES and then APPLICATIONS Select ADD NEW APPLICATION Enter the desired Name and URL Link to CREATE CUSTOM APPLICATION and click Save! Now when you select the Application menu in the top right, you will see your new Application! Select the new application and enjoy navigating quickly to a new webpage! Check out Blog - ConstrucTech Consulting for more tips and tricks every Tuesday!